2008년 12월 6일 토요일

12/6/08 Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5 mainly talks about the being immitators of God. Within Ephesians 5 Paul bring up couple of examples. Examples such as sexual immorality, impurity, greed, and thanksgiving. Also, Paul mentions about that we were in darkness, but after we accepted Christ, we became the light.

After reading Ephesians 5, one thing spoke in my heart. I realized that we received tremendous amount of strength and power by knowing Christ. Paul says that we were in the darkness and we became the light. Since we are light, we received great strength and power. We received these powers because we are the light and we can overpower the darkness (Satan) under Jesus Christ. Ephesians says that where everything exposed by the light, it is impossible for any darkness to be there because light overwhelms the darkness. This is the one of passage where God has told us that we can win against satan because we are much stronger than Satan under God. This passage brings great joy in my heart, there is nothing stronger than us, we should be confident because we're with God.

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