2009년 4월 24일 금요일

4/24/09 John 14

As I was reading through today's scripture, one of passage spoke out to me.  That passage was John 14:6 "Jesus answered, 'Iam the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  As I was reading through this passage, I wondered one specific thing.  I talked to one Catholic about how they were different then us "Christians"  One of the main difference was Jesus.  That person wasn't too sure what she was saying either, however, she told me that there are other ways to get to the heaven without going through Jesus.  She said Jesus wasn't the absolute way to go to heaven.  When I read about this passage, I wondered how Catholic viewed this passage.  I know that we have same bible, only that Catholic has one more book than us.  Therefore, I assume this specific scripture is in their bible too.  I was deeply wondering how would they portray this passage because it seems very straight forward from my point of perspective.

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