2009년 4월 17일 금요일

4/17/09 John 10

In John 10, Jesus talks about the comparison about the shephard and sheeps.  Jesus referred himself as shephard and people as sheeps.  Jesus said that only the good shephard could lead sheeps to be safe and under provision.  When Jesus was talking about this comparison, Jesus meant that he is the good shephard who can give salvation to these people.  These people  did not believe what Jesus was saying, instead they tried to stone Jesus and catch him.  As I was reading through John 10, I found a very interesting verse.  
John 10:17 - The reason my father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again
After Jesus talks about the comparison about shephard and sheeps, he mentions this specific verse.  I am pretty sure that at that time, people did not understand what he meant that he lay down his own life to take it up again.  Jesus was portraying his death at the cross and his resurrection that were to come.  I found this very interesting because Jesus actually literally says that he is going to give his own life for us.  However, yet probably no one in the crowd understood him.

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