2009년 2월 3일 화요일

2/3/09 Acts 5

Reading the Acts 5, I found couple very interesting verses.  These verses take portion in beginning parts of Acts 5.  When Ananias and his wife came up to Peter and John, they were planning to put down the money (for the land) to Peter and John.  However, both Ananias and his wife hid portion of the money and only put down other portion of the money to Peter and John.  Here's the interesting verses
5. When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died ...
10. At the moment she fell down at his feet and died ...
What is interesting is that both Ananias and his wife died at an instant.  I believe this shows the depth of God's wrath on us.  God can be very mercyful to us and God has been very mercyful because he sent Jesus Christ as our savior.  However, sometimes God's wrath (little things to death) can come down on us quickly.  I believe we should be more thanksful that we havn't received God's wrath for the little mistakes we did.  

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