2009년 2월 19일 목요일

2/19/09 16 continued

Since we talked about Paul's and Silias' Roman Citizenship yesterday, I thought it would be helpful if I share couple things I learned about Roman Citizenship.  When Rome was growing and extending alliances within the Italy, they offered Roman Citizenships to the people and provinces who wanted to make alliances with Rome.  However, as Roman Empire extended to Spain and Greek area, Rome started to take over the provinces.  In Roman empire the hierachy of the ranks were 
Roman Citizenship -> Latin Citizenship -> plebabians (Regular normal) ->Freed man(freed from slave status) -> slaves
This Roman Citizenship was very critical in this era because of many reasons.  Main reason was that you had to have Roman Citizenship if you wanted to have power in Roman Empire.  Achieving power at Rome can be viewed as entering into the senates or one of the offices.  However, one of the requirement for running for offices or senate was to have Roma Citizenship.  Also, if you wanted to do anything at Rome, it was critical to have Roman Citizenship.  This was important because Rome was the city where you can get your fortune.  Lastly, Roman Citizenship was very difficult to achieve in this era.  Normal people was unable to get Roman Citizenship at all.  There was a chance for Latin Citizens to achieve Roman Citizens.  However, the requirement they had to complete is very difficult.  For example, they had move and live in Rome for specific amount of years at Rome, leaving their homes.  Also, they could only receive Roman Citizenship in specific event which was held every five years.
This just shows how critical Roman Citizenship was in this era.

2009년 2월 18일 수요일

2/18/09 Acts 16

In Acts 16, passage tells us the story of Paul and Silas being captured by Roman magisteratesand tortured and prisoned.  When they were prisoned, Angel came down to the prison and opened the prison doors for Peter and Silas.  So the guards were trying to kill themselves assuming the prisoners ran away.  However, Paul and Silas didn't run away instead they stayed and told the guards to believe in Jesus Christ.  After that night, Roman magisterates heard about this and they ordered Paul and Silias to be released.  End of the Acts 16, Paul says that Roman magisterates should come to them and escort them out because they tortured and prisoned Roman Citizens without any trials.

When I heard Paul and Silias claiming that they are Roman Citizens, was very surprised.  Before I learned about specific rights Roman Citizens had in my class, I assumed that Roman Citizenship wasn't that important.  However, I learned that Roman Citizenship is very very hard to achieve.  Especially when Roman built an empire and extended many provinces.  First of all, Roman Citizenship shows that they have great power and wealth.  Second, being Romans Citizen in this kind of rural area shows even greater wealth and power.

2009년 2월 17일 화요일

2/17/09 Acts 15

In Acts 15, there was an issue about uncircumsized Gentiles being believers.  Therefore, many gathered and opened a debate about this issue.  Many of the Jews argued that Gentiles have to be circumsized and follow the laws of Moses to be believer.  Peter started to speak and told them Jesus gave no distinction to them and why are we trying to distinct others from believing in Christ?

After reading this passage made me think of judging.  I seemed like Jews were judging Gentiles because Gentiles didn't meet their certain requirement/expectation.  I believe we judge others in our own requirements and expectations.  Scripture clears state that who are we to judge others.  I think we should be careful when we judge others.

2009년 2월 16일 월요일

2/16/09 Acts 14

Acts 14 talks about many works of Paul and Barnabas.  Among these works they did, one event caught my attention.  When Paul and Barnabas was staying in the Lycaonian cities, Lystra and Derbe, they thought Paul and Barnabas were Gods due to their miracles performed.  They referred Barnabas as Zeus and Paul as Hermes.  When Paul and Barnabas heard about this, they tore their clothes and shouted to crowd that they are wrong.  It is by God's grace that they were able to do such things.  
When I read this passage, I really admire the actions Paul and Barnabas took.  Instead of glorifying their works, they tried glorify God's name.  I believe we are very gifted in certain ways, and when we are succesful in our gifted ways, we tend to believe that we accomplished that gifts on our own.  However, these gifts we received are from God.  I see that Paul and Barnabas received trenmendous amount of gifts from God and it was very easy for them to claim it as their own.  However, they claimed as it isn't theirs'.  

2009년 2월 13일 금요일

2/12/09 Acts 13

This portion of scripture talks about the preaching Paul and Barnaba did to the people.  Through these preachings, conflicts ocurred betweens the Jews because they weren't very happy to see people following Paul and Barnaba.  Paul and Barnaba talked about couple things including story about Jesus.  As I was reading through the scripture, I realized one thing.  Ever since this portion of the book, Saul was always referred as Saul.  However, in middle of the Acts 13, Saul's name changed into Paul.  I wonder why his referring name changed into Paul from this point.  I'm pretty sure that they are meaning toward it but I just wonder what is the meaning.

2009년 2월 11일 수요일

2/11/09 Acts 11 - 12

Acts 11 talks about how word Christian brought up in the churches of Antioch.
Acts 12 talks about how Peter got prisoned.  When King Herold Aggrippa killed off couple of diciples, he realized that Jews liked it.  Therefore, he decided to persecute Peter and he went the army to capture Peter.  So soldiers capture Peter and put him into the prison.  Day before the persecution, angel comes to frees Peter.  Then Peter and the diciples spread to preach the word of God.  Angel took away King Herold's life because he didn't praise God's name.   

As I was reading through the scripture, I realized that I recognized couple things.  I recognized the geographic location of city called Antioch and I realized why there was such thing as King when Israel was under the Romans.  I recognized these things because I'm currently learning about Roman history.  I am currently learning about how Romans expanded their power and what kinds of control they enforced in conquered provinces.  Knowing these facts allowed me to understand the bible a little better.  I think it is important for us to try to study for the background knowledge for this era.

2009년 2월 10일 화요일

2/10/09 Acts 10

In Acts 10, Peter confronts  a vision from the Lord.  Peter saw four footed reptiles and the birds of the air come down from the heaven.  Then Lord told Peter to catch those animals and eat them.  In Peter's eyes, these animals were unclean.  Therefore, Peter answered Lord I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.  When Peter said that, God told Peter not to call anything impure that God has made clean.  Later on Peter realize that this vision was trying to show him that God does not show favoritism and accept everyone.

When I read about Peter's vision, I realized that it is very important to look what is inside then looking at the outside.  Even though those reptiles looked unclean, they were such a beatiful creation from God.  I believe we tend to look at things in our perspectives, however, it is very important to be able to look from God's perspectives on everything.

2009년 2월 9일 월요일

2/9/09 Acts 9

This passage talks about story about Saul.  Acts 9 specifically talks about how Saul came to accept Jesus Christ.  Saul used to be the one who persecuted Christians.  Saul traveled city to city to catch and kill the Lord's diciples.  However, Jesus Christ showed up infront of him and he blinded Saul.  Then Jesus asked Anaias to find Saul and heal his blindness.  So Ananias found Saul and healed his blindness.  After this incident, Saul realized that Jesus Christ is real and he started to tell everyone that Jesus is the Son of God.

Reading this passage make me realize the greatness of our God.  Our God is so powerful that there is nothing he can change.  Saul was the one of people who were against Jesus Christ the most, and our God changed him into one of his diciples.  This shows how poweful Jesus Christ is.  He can change our worst enemy into our good allie.  

2009년 2월 8일 일요일

2/8/09 Acts 8

This passage talks about what happened after the death of Stephen.  After Stephen died, great persecution started at the churches of Jerusalem.  Many believers scatter around and they started to preach.  Throughout the the passage, Acts 8 talks about who did what kind of works or micracles in different areas.  Among all these works and micracles, one specific event caught my attention.  Peter and John were dispatched to the Samaria.  When they arrived at the Samaria, they realized that people were baptized, however, they had yet to received the Holy Spirit.  When Peter and John placed their hands on them, people started to received the Holy Spirit.  One of the people who saw Spirit coming down.  He offered money to Peter and John and asked them to give Holy Spirit to him.  Peter answered him by saying "may your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money".

When I read about this specific passage, it makes me wonder if we are the same way.  We tend to believe we can receive Holy Spirit/being a good Christian by paying some kind of price.  This kind of price can be many things.  Things such as serving often, coming to the morning prayer, prayer meeting, giving a lot of offering, and etc.  It seems like we don't realize we can't receive the Holy Spirit by doing things.  I believe we can only obtain Holy Spirit through building up a personal relationship with God.  Doing good works are very good to our lives, however, it shouldn't be the measurement of our spiritual lives.

2009년 2월 7일 토요일

2/7/09 Acts 7

In Acts 7, Stephen's story continues.  Stephen is brought infront of the elders and the teachers of the law and shares about multiple of stories.  Stephen starts out from story of Abraham and talk about his life.  Then links the story to the life of Joseph, then Moses, and lastly Joshua.  By telling them these stories of Jews' ancestor, Stephen was portraying that how people weren't able to understand the God's message and the Holy Spirit.  Stephen shouted out that you are resisting Holy Spirit.  When the crowd and teacher heard Stephen's testimony, they got agry and stoned Stephen.  Due to the stoning, Stephen's life was over.

When I was reading the life of Stephen, it reminded me what Pastor Thomas was saying at the retreat.  Pastor Thomas was explaining that if you are to be diciples of Christ, you must lay down everything you have even if it means death.  Reading about Stephen made me think of what Pastor Thomas said.  Stephen was not afraid to risk his life to stand up as a diciple.  I believe all of us should desire to have that much passion as Christians.

2009년 2월 5일 목요일

2/5/09 Acts 6

This passage talks about the life of diciple called Stephen.  Jesus' Twelve diciples chose seven diciples who were to carry out God's work.  Among those seven, there was Stephen.  Acts 6 talks about the beginning portion of Stephen's story.  It is said that Stephen received great power and wisdom from holy spirit.  People weren't able to win against Stephen because of his great wisdom.  Those who were against Stephen, bought people to carry out false testimonies.  False testimonies to accuse Stephen.  Due to these false testimonies, teachers and elders of the law were very upset.  Therefore, they brought Stephen to the court.
First portion of the story ends here, to be continued...

2009년 2월 3일 화요일

2/3/09 Acts 5

Reading the Acts 5, I found couple very interesting verses.  These verses take portion in beginning parts of Acts 5.  When Ananias and his wife came up to Peter and John, they were planning to put down the money (for the land) to Peter and John.  However, both Ananias and his wife hid portion of the money and only put down other portion of the money to Peter and John.  Here's the interesting verses
5. When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died ...
10. At the moment she fell down at his feet and died ...
What is interesting is that both Ananias and his wife died at an instant.  I believe this shows the depth of God's wrath on us.  God can be very mercyful to us and God has been very mercyful because he sent Jesus Christ as our savior.  However, sometimes God's wrath (little things to death) can come down on us quickly.  I believe we should be more thanksful that we havn't received God's wrath for the little mistakes we did.  

2009년 2월 2일 월요일

2/2/09 Acts 4

As I was reading through the Acts 4, one event caught my attention.  Since Peter and John were performing miracles and preaching about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the priests and temple guards weren't very happy.  Therefore, these people captured Peter and John and started to ask question.  I think these priests were expecting Peter and John to be scared and deny Jesus Christ because they denied Christ when Jesus was getting crucified.  However, Peter and John spoke strongly about Jesus Christ.  They weren't scared and they did not deny Christ.  High priests couldn't do anything to Peter and John because  their influence was already too big to handle.