2009년 4월 13일 월요일

4/13/09 John 6

It was very interesting for me to read this passage because it was right after the Easter sunday service where we thought about Jesus' flesh and blood by eating bread and drinking grape.  Within the scripture, Jesus says that he is the bread from the heaven.  Also Jesus said that if you eat this bread, meaning himself, then they will receive eteral life.  When people heard Jesus, they were deeply confused because they were wondering how could they eat Jesus' flesh and how would that give them eternal life.  

Looking at the reaction from people, I could clearly tell that these people did not understood the big picture Jesus was showing them.  Also, there is another example that these people did not understand Jesus.  Beginning of the chapter, Jesus performs miracle by feeding 5,000 people with very few amount of food.  When people realized he was able to such miracles, they thought Jesus was going to be their King who will save them from Romans.  This portion of scripture also portrays that people did not understand Jesus at all.  Jesus came down to defeat the sin and save them from the eternal death, however, these people couldn't understand what Jesus was doing.

When I read the bible, I could tell that these people had such a narrow mind and did not understand what Jesus was doing.  However, I thought about how much we understand Jesus in our Christian walk.  I feel like we are just as same as the people long time ago.  We might understand little more than them, but still I feel like there are many things that we do not understand.  

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